From classic bikes to everyday commuters, the moment you hit the road nature is doing it’s best to damage a multitude of surfaces. Clean, restore, and protect with Acrylic-Wërks, the original all-purpose protectant for your bike!
Bike surfaces absorb abuse from a variety of sources: sunlight, old wax, acid rain, pollution, etc. Acrylic-Wërks removes these contaminants and leaves behind a clear acrylic shell that will not degrade in sunlight. There is an added bonus of applying in direct sunlight…no more hunting for a shady place. Acrylic-Wërks is water-based and contains no abrasives. You get no swirl marks! Restores remarkable clarity to your windscreen!
It is an environmentally safe product with no abrasives or harsh chemicals. No special application tools or need for gloves, masks, or any special protection. The application process is simple and can be applied in direct sunlight. It can be applied to almost ANY surface. Once applied, you can rest assured you will have a restored surface and long lasting protection.